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PRP treatment is an advanced anti-aging and skin rejuvenation technique that help repair injured and damaged tissues in the body. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma is concentrated blood plasma containing around 3-5 times the number of platelets present in normal circulating blood. Moreover, it also contains PDGF (platelet-derived growth factor), TGF (transforming growth factor), VEGF (vascular endothelial growth factor), and a number of other bioactive proteins that rejuvenates the skin. The process is simple and safe where blood is taken from the body and spun in a centrifuge machine. The processed blood is then re-injected into the targeted areas. Since PRP uses the patient’s own plasma to stimulate collagen synthesis, this minimally invasive treatment comes without any risk of allergic reaction or potential side effects. Additionally, the results are quite subtle and natural-looking with effects lasting for as long as two years. These factors make PRP treatment for face an ideal treatment option for those who do not wish to undergo injectable fillers.