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Oral Prophylaxis

Oral Prophylaxis is a procedure done for teeth cleaning. It removes tartar and plaque build-up from the surfaces of the teeth as well as those hidden in between and under the gums. The dentist uses a scaler, a type of hand instrument, to remove the plaque and tartar.

Nowadays, ultrasonic – powered scalers are more commonly used for their efficiency. Ultrasonic scalers work by producing tickling vibrations to gently remove the thicker and larger tartar deposits while spraying a cooling mist of water to wash away the blood and debris from the cleaned area. Coffee and stains can also be removed during oral prophylaxis. After cleaning all the teeth, the dentist will then polish them using a polishing paste and a small brush attached to a slow-rotating handpiece which will be run throughout and around the teeth to make them smooth and shiny.