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PRP for Hair

Recent years have brought forth a range of new treatments and therapies for people who are having hair trouble. While a hair transplant is a good choice for people who have large bald spots, there are those who are not ready for such an invasive procedure and wish to look at other avenues first. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is one such method that is fast gaining a lot of popularity with people with hair loss.

Platelet rich plasma or PRP is present in human blood. Platelets are the clotting cells of our blood having potential of faster healing. Platelets release growth factors in the blood which augments the healing process. PRP or Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is a non-surgical and therapeutic option for people suffering from hair loss. As a matter of fact, this is the best option for people who are looking at a method of restoring hair, at a point when the loss has just started setting in. if the hair loss is extreme, then hair transplant might be the only option, but for those who have just started noticing baldness or thinning of hair, this might be a great option.